Homearrow_forward_iosWine tourismarrow_forward_iosParc Vign'nature

Parc Vign'nature



The "Parc Vign'nature" educational vineyard project was born of a collaboration between the LPm association and the Commune of Bourg-en-Lavaux. A true regional heritage, the vine is an integral part of our cultural and historical landscape. Although it is very present, it remains little known to the general public.

The aim of this plot is to sensitize the visitor, whether child or adult, to the environment that surrounds him and to place at the center of the experience the discovery of the vine from root to fruit.

Lavaux Patrimoine mondial

Sentier des Vinches 2
1091 Grandvaux - CH

+41 (0)21 946 15 74

  • arrow_forward_iosPrix par guide-animateur (jusqu'à 15 personnes)
    235 CHF
  • arrow_forward_iosPrix par guide-animateur (jusqu’à 25 élèves + accompagnateurs)
    185 CHF
