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Caux sur Montreux
Immerse yourself in the fascinating history of the Caux Palace!Inaugurated in 1902 after a titanic two-year building project, the Caux Palace is emblematic of the tourist development that was taking place in Montreux at the time. It made Caux a popular tourist destination before the hotel’s owners were driven to bankruptcy by the world wars. The Caux Palace was requisitioned by the Swiss army to house Jewish refugees in 1944-5. In 1946 a group of Swiss individuals and families bought it as an international conference centre for Moral Re-Armament (now called Initiatives of Change). Since then, people from all over the world have come to Caux to work for reconciliation.
Come and discover this extraordinary building, a true witness to its era. Let your imagination go back in time as you visit the medieval-style hall, the baroque-style theatre and the room where the Maharaja of Baroda stayed.
Languages: French, German, English

Clarens (Montreux)
Rue Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Rue Lord Byron, Rue Sacre-du-Printemps, these few street names in Clarens give a glimpse of the rich cultural past of this locality in the commune of Montreux.The visit begins with the church and the cemetery, rightly nicknamed the “oasis” where many famous people rest, then continues through the village of Tavel with its public bread oven, at the foot of the 15th century Château du Châtelard before descending into direction of the lake by the Rue du Port where once tightened the old village of Clarens. From there spread the decisive story that made our region known to the world.
Languages: French, German

Vevey, birthplace of milk chocolate
Today in Switzerland, the annual consumption of chocolate exceeds 12 kgs per capita, so no one would imagine being able to go without it!Industrial chocolate manufacturing began in Vevey and milk chocolate was invented here, thus forging Switzerland’s reputation on par with watches or cheese.
Come and discover the places and the history of the industrialists emblematic of this fabulous success.
Languages spoken: French, German, English

Vevey and its famous musicians
Ernest Ansermet, Clara Haskil, Gustave Doret, Charlie Chaplin, Hugues Cuénod, Igor Markevitch…The classical or popular, ancient or modern music has held and holds still an essential role in the cultural life of Vevey. Come and discover in music who were these great musicians, composers or performers, where they lived and how the left their mark on Vevey with their talent and their imprint !
Languages spoken: French, English

Vevey seen by famous writers
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Victor Hugo, Nicolaï Gogol, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Hans-C. Andersen, Fenimore Cooper, Paul Morand, Rodolphe Töpfer, Henryk Sienkiewicz…Many writers lived or at least stayed in Vevey from 18th century to today. A few described what they saw or felt here.
Come and discover the places where these writers stayed, learn a bit of their biography and hear some extracts from texts that Vevey inspired them.
Languages spoken: French only

Vevey industrial hub in the canton de Vaud
Tobacco products, marble, tanning, water turbines, agricultural machinery, railway equipment, infant formula, chocolate milk, animal feed, graphic arts, here are some areas where industry in Vevey experienced tremendous success from 19th and 20th centuries, before disappearing for most.Come and discover the places and the history of this epic !
Languages spoken: French, German, English

The Grangettes reserve
Discover the Grangettes reserve by following the marked paths.Depending on the season, you can listen to and observe many migratory birds, waders, ducks of various species, birds of prey, thrushes and others, as well as snakes, frogs, dragonflies, traces of beavers, wild boars, foxes and many coloured fruits.