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What does "sustainable tourism" mean if not to travel with the awareness that one's actions have a positive impact on our environment ? Even tough travelling and substainability seem like complete opposites, it is within everyone's reach to minimize their environmental impact during their vacation in Montreux Riviera. For example, by choosing travel methods, activities and small actions that are more in tune with the current environmental challenges and a little common sense.
Here is an overview of the many possibilities available in the region.

"Drink tap water, no need to buy bottled water!"

Olivier Paschoud, Head of the Drinking Water Department at SIGE - Service intercommunal de gestion

SIGE is an association of nine municipalities in the Montreux Riviera region. The Drinking Water Department, under the responsibility of Olivier Paschoud and his teams, produces 10 million m3 of drinking water each year for approximately 73,000 people. All this is directly accessible from every tap.

What does your job at SIGE involve?
To sum it up very quickly, my role is to guarantee the quality and quantity of water necessary for the population as well as fire protection.

Where does the water we drink in Montreux Riviera come from?
The SIGE currently operates 29 springs, most of which are located in the upper part of Montreux. Together they represent 80% of the drinking water distributed. The rest comes from the lake.

What about its quality?
It is excellent! We carry out thousands of checks every year to make sure, so you can drink it without moderation.

As EPFL engineer, Olivier Paschoud anticipates that climate change is likely to increase our need for water. Let's try to take care of it and not waste it!

Montreux Riviera : sustainable...by nature !

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The blooming of the narcissus

In spring, the " snow of May " surfaces from the earth. These traditional flowers can be seen in the upper regions of Montreux and Vevey, where there are two types of flowers: narcissus radiiflorus and narcissus poeticus. Since the 1960s, the quantity of these white flowers has decreased by almost 50%, which is why the Narcisses Riviera association is acting to save this emblematic cultural heritage.
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Free public transportation

In addition to being free for travelers staying in a hotel or apartment on the Riviera, the region's public transportation network is very efficient. From Villeneuve to Vevey, leave your car at home and enjoy the ride on board a more environmentally friendly method of transportation.
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The great outdoors

Surrounded by the lake and the mountains, Montreux Riviera offers an exceptional variety of outdoor activities: hiking, biking and walking in the summer, cross-country skiing, sledding and snowshoeing in the winter.

Sustainable Certification

On our website, the label "certified sustainable" indicates every tourism service provider in the region that has committed to a Swisstainable approach. Launched by Switzerland Tourism, this sustainability strategy aims to bring together all of the interested tourism organizations. This strategy intends to encourage visitors to discover the different landscapes, to consume locally, and to stay for a longer period in order to fully discover the area.

Protected heritage

One of UNESCO's many missions is to list and promote important sites, traditions and works of art throughout the world. This recognition is fully in line with the concept of sustainability, as it aims to preserve heritage over time.

Plan your trip

 Discover the different facilities and attractions in Montreux Riviera that are committed to a more environmentally friendly approach.

Facts and figures

Safe drinking water

Switzerland is one of the main water sources in Europe. In fact, it is the source of about 5% of the continent's fresh water reserves. The water supplied to Montreux Riviera must meet very strict quality standards. 80% of the water comes from underground sources, the rest is collected from Lake Geneva. It can be drunk from any tap with no risk to your health!

Keep it clean

In Montreux Riviera and more in generaly in Switzerland, everything must be "clean and tidy". from a young age, Swiss citizens are taught differents rules on how to keep things clean. For example, throwing litter on the ground is extremely frowned upon and can be fined up to 150 Swiss francs. Fortunately, there are a numerous garbage cans and ashtrays on the public streets to avoid this kind of behaviour and to make sure everyone can enjoy a clean and tidy city.

Sustainable transport

With an average of 2'400 km travelled per year and per citizen, Switzerland holds the world record for distance travelling by train. In Montreux Riviera, mountains, beaches, exceptional locations, attractions, events, museums : everything is accessible by public transportation (train, funicular, bus, boat)! On top of that, everything - or almost everything - is free with the Montreux Riviera Card.

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